45 Columbia
— Click on your Domus address for your specific building’s amenities and information
45 Columbia
— Welcome to 45 Columbia here is your building specific info
Amenities Available In Your Building
Laundry Facilities
45 Columbia Street is proud to offer onsite laundry facilities for your convenience.
Location? On the main floor of the building
How to access? Open 24 hours
How to use? Coin-operated
Bike Storage
Location? There is a bike room located on the driveway side of the building
How to access? By key
contact Domus to request a bike room key
Note: Bikes are not allowed to be stored in your units or in the hallways due to safety reasons.
45 Columbia Street is excited to offer you wired Internet supplied by DataCity Wifi.
How to access? Purchase an Ethernet cable and plug from the wall connection in your bedroom to your computer or laptop
Any usernames/passwords? None needed!
Want wireless? You can set up your own wireless account by purchasing a wireless router.
Technical difficulties/problems connecting? Contact DataCity Wifi at Text: 519-722-9434 or email support@datacitywifi.ca
Note about technical support: Domus cannot help with any technical support issues. DataCity Wifi should be able to help you with anything you need. If you have any feedback about the service you are receiving from them, feel free to let us know. We always want to ensure our residents are getting the best service!
Garbage & Recycling
Where to bring your garbage? Garbage moloks are located at the back of the building
Where to bring your recycling? Recycle bins have been provided at the back of your building (Please make sure to break down your cardboard boxes!)
Parking is available at your building for valid permit holders only.
Parking is sold first-come basis, per term
How to sign up? Click here to complete your parking application. Submit your application and pay your deposit at the Domus office
Click here to view our full parking policy and further details
Remember: Even with a parking pass, you cannot park in front of the garbage/recycling bins or moloks. Parking there will result in your vehicle being ticketed & towed!
Please note there is no visitor parking available.